Task group for the safety of social workers at work

The issues of social workers' workplace safety began to be addressed in the Union in 2019 together with the Democratic Trade Union of Nursery Caregivers. The result of the cooperation was a professional recommendation of State Secretariat of Welfare, which was published in 2020. (The professional recommendation is quoted in the following paper: Kozma Judit: About social workers' workplace safety, risks and the profession's identity crisis (2020). Párbeszéd: Szociális Munka folyóirat, 7(1).)

The aim of the working group is to help the collegial communities of social institutions to develop a set of rules and procedures to make the workplace safer: to assess environmental, institutional and individual risks, to develop appropriate defences and solutions, to build mutual trust and responsibility, to use problem-solving rather than excessive expectations and blame-seeking.

For further information, please contact: munkahelyibiztonsag@3sz.hu.