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Books, publications

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"Háló" Newspaper

HÁLÓ was published monthly between 1995-2012. HÁLÓ is a forum where representatives of the profession who practice in the field can feel that their opinions and experiences are also important, and they get the opportunity to express themselves on issues in which until now only theoretical experts or decision-makers have expressed an opinion.

"Szockafé" Workshop

Szockafé is a regularly organized professional event between 2004 and 2015, the summaries can be read by clicking on the button below. 

Special legal aid service 

The needy, or the social professionals who representing them, could address family law and labor law issues to the legal professionals. 

With education for the integration of migrants 

The aim of the project was to provide information for social workers and to expand their knowledge regarding third-country foreigners arriving for long-term residence.

Experimentation  on  social policy for youth

The aim of the project is to reduce early school leaving among young people between the ages of 15-24 and to minimize unemployment among young people starting their careers. The participating partners represented regions where these problems are outstanding even by European standards.

Legal assistance and socioprofessional legal assistance in V4 countries

V4 initiative to alleviate poverty